Pumpkins, prizes & plentitude

October 28, 2020
A group of people posing for a picture, perhaps to commemorate their new rental apartment.

Despite the chilly temps, many soon-to-be neighbors turned out at Checker Square Park, Saturday, to meet one another and enjoy some fall fun. Children dressed in Halloween costumes, danced, blew bubbles, and christened Baseline’s new wooden playground. Kingcomos Quesadillas made sure everyone was well fed. Even canines enjoyed Halloween bags of treats. The day wrapped up with a costume contest, four winners walked away with jack-o-lantern buckets full of goodies. And everyone took home pumpkins. But, the best part of the day, Broomfield FISH received 602 lbs. of donations. All-in-all it was a great beginning for Baseline, opening the door for more events – and opportunities for neighbors to connect – in warmer months.

Come to our Model Housewarming Party | Saturday, May 18 from 10am-1pm Get the details