Butterfly Pavilion Will Create World’s First Pollinator District

July 18, 2019
The Butterfly Pavilion, which will create the world's first pollinator district at Baseline.

The Butterfly Pavilion is getting ready to move to a new development in Broomfield where endangered pollinators — including 946 types of bees and 233 kinds of butterflies — will thrive.

These insects, which are dying at alarming rates around the world, pollinate everything from flowers to the food people eat. Without them, the entire agricultural system and the world’s food supplies would be at risk.

The roughly 1,000-acre neighborhood, called Baseline, is a collaboration between the nonprofit, the development company McWhinney and the City of Broomfield. Baseline will be the world’s first pollinator district, and will model best practices for other developers who want to turn urban and suburban areas into a habitat for these tiny cogs in our food chain.

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