Take to the Trails Day Recap

June 29, 2021
A woman and her children are standing next to a bicycle with a bike trailer at an apartment complex or rental property.

Baseline residents and neighbors kicked off the summer by getting outside to enjoy the local biking and hiking paths at the Take to the Trails event on June 5. The event was in support of National Trails Day and marked the first day of the Broomfield 100 Challenge – an outdoor adventure that encourages riders to explore the many trails in the city and set a goal of riding 100 miles before the end of the summer. Riders easily accessed the city’s regional trail system via the trail connection at Prospect Ridge Academy, on the west side of the Baseline.

Our community partners from Smart Commute Metro North were on site to encourage residents to leave the car at home this summer and commute by bicycle instead. They helped several folks develop a bike routes tailored to their specific needs and shared details of their Bike to Summer program. Golden Bear Bikes generously provided free bike tune ups and encouraged participants to make a donation to Joyful Journeys – a non-profit providing critical human services to those in need in Broomfield.

The Basin park was a perfect setting for guests to relax after their rides and enjoy live music from guitarist David Lawrence. Kids and adults alike enjoyed the Bike Decorating and Bike Wash stations. Iced lattes from StoryMaker Coffee helped keep everyone cool in the hot June sun, while Biker Jim’s Gourmet Hot Dogs made sure no one went home hungry.

Come to our Model Housewarming Party | Saturday, May 18 from 10am-1pm Get the details